Communities First welcomes Ward 11 candidate Rob Ward 

January 16, 2025

(CALGARY) The Communities First Party is delighted to announce Rob Ward will be joining them as a candidate in Ward 11 in the upcoming Oct. 20 municipal election.  

Rob placed a close second in the 2021 municipal election and is committed to working even harder this year to ensure Ward 11 has a strong representative at Council. “Voters in this ward are looking for an accountable, respectful, responsive and transparent voice on Council, and that’s what my campaign will be offering them,” said Ward. “Speaking to many residents over the past few months, the dissatisfaction with our current city councillor could not be more pronounced.” 

Key issues for the Rob Ward campaign in Ward 11 include thoughtful and respectful community development (Ward is a strong opponent of blanket rezoning), public safety and policing, and ensuring taxpayers receive the best possible value from their City infrastructure and services. 

Communities First was an appealing option for Rob as a candidate. It offers a supportive team, both for the campaign and as a councillor, but prioritizes his independence as a representative of Ward 11. “Three parties approached me, but Communities First differed from the others. I share most of the same priorities and principles, but above all, Communities First places effective representation ahead of the party,” said Ward. “I like knowing that my Communities First colleagues would never expect me to ‘vote the party line’ if it’s contrary to the wishes of Ward 11 residents.” 

Communities First Ward 10 Councillor Andre Chabot enthusiastically endorsed Ward, “Rob is an outstanding candidate for Ward 11. He’s a very personable and earnest guy, a tireless campaigner, and genuinely interested in getting The City back on the right track and keeping it there. We really couldn’t be happier about him joining our growing team.” 

Chabot was joined by Communities First Ward 1 Councillor Sonya Sharp, who said, “Having Rob at the Council table next November will be truly refreshing – a very good thing for Ward 11 and the city overall. He brings a strong entrepreneurial spirit, a sensible approach to problems and a real commitment to public service. He’s an exciting addition to our Communities First team and someone who will make a big difference for Calgary.” 

Communities First now has six declared candidates: Rob Ward, Andre Chabot, Dan McLean, John Mar, Sonya Sharp and Terry Wong. The party intends to run a full roster of candidates in the October municipal election and will announce more candidates soon. 

For more information about Rob, his background and priorities, please visit: 


Rob Ward:

Communities First:

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